Join Army ROTC

Transform yourself with Army ROTC—commit to service or develop unmatched leadership skills. Enroll easily: Freshmen take Army 101, Sophomores take Army 201. Note: Army 300/400 requires a course code. Contact us to get started!

Find out more about ROTC, Contact our Enrollment Officer


ROTC classes are a lot of fun...however, there is some paperwork before you get started. Some of these forms can be filled out on-line and some you will need to print off and fill out by hand. 

STEP 1: Enroll in a Class

  • Freshmen: If you’re enrolling in the Fall, sign up for Army 101.
  • Other Semesters & Juniors: Contact us to ensure you enroll in the correct class. Juniors will need special permission to enroll.

Then, fill out our Enrollment Forms 

  1. New ROTC Cadet In-Processing Sheet, Fill out and email it to Mr. Wiedenmann and Mr. Jenkins at least 48 hours before your appointment (.xls). Send as an Excel spreadsheet.
    1. Use these Notes to guide you on how to fill out the In-Processing sheet. (.pdf)
  2. Civil Conviction Screening, Bring this completed form to your in-processing appointment (.pdf).
  3. ROTC Medical Screening, Bring this completed form to your in-processing appointment (.pdf).
  4. Physical Training Form, Have your doctor perform a sports physical and ensure the form is signed and stamped by your physician. Email it to Mr. Wiedenmann or bring it to your appointment (.pdf). **Watkins Health on the KU Campus can complete this requirement for you.  Visit Watkins Heath for more information.
  5. Digital Photo: Email a headshot (passport-style) to Mr. Jenkins. No need for it to be official.

Important: Email to request any missing forms.

STEP 2: Schedule Your In-Processing Appointment

In-Processing for the Fall semester starts after 19 May 2025, please schedule your appointment after that date to allow us to finalize our graduating seniors.

Click HERE to schedule your In-Processing Appointment

Bring These Documents:
  • Original Birth Certificate (copied and returned to you).
  • Original Social Security Card (copied and returned to you).
  • High school diploma (copy).
  • High school and college transcripts (copies).
  • Proof of ACT/SAT scores.
  • DD Form 4 (if in the National Guard or Reserves).
  • Shot records with MMR and Varicella proof or doctor confirmation of chickenpox.

STEP 3 (For Scholarship or Contracting Cadets)

If you’re joining with a scholarship, as a lateral transfer Cadet, or an SMP Cadet, complete the following forms (ink signed text, no digital signatures):

139-R (.pdf) Only Page 1 and 2

DD93 (.pdf)

DD2058 (.pdf)

Fast Start Direct Deposit.pdf (.pdf)

W4 (.pdf)

SGLV (.pdf)

104-R (.pdf)

-- 104-R Instructions (.pdf)

STEP 4: New Cadet Orientation

  • Sign up for New Cadet Orientation Here

Follow the attached guidance in order compete for a scholarship with Army ROTC.

Guidance to Prospects Seeking a Campus Based Army ROTC Scholarship 042220 (.pdf)


Contact your Course Advisor to register for the correct MSL class and begin your journey to becoming an Army Officer. 

Ranger Buddy Winners- MMale Winners (R)

Work as a Team to win both in and out of the classroom

Fun times during Sports PT

Fun times during Sports PT

2022 Graduates

Achieve your goal of being a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army

Human Resources Administrator

Recruiting Operations Officer