What Could Your Summers Look Like?
Advanced Camp, Epilogue- CST 2022
Initial Entry Training and Summer Programs
Advanced Camp
Advanced Camp. Advanced Camp is a 31-day training event that is designed to assess a Cadet’s ability to demonstrate proficiency in basic officer leadership tasks. Cadets are evaluated on their ability to lead at the Squad and Platoon levels, both in garrison and tactical environments. Cadets are mentally and physically tested during a 12-day consequence driven field training exercise that replicates a combat training center rotation. Successful completion of the Advanced Camp is a prerequisite for commissioning.
The mission of Advanced Camp is to assess a Cadet’s potential to serve as a commissioned officer. It is the most significant training and evaluation event in ROTC. Training is complex, challenging, and rigorous and is conducted in a stressful training environment. Cadets reinforce basic skills through squad (9-13 Cadets) level leader development exercises, and transition to platoon (40-50 Cadets) level operations in a company construct. Prior to attending Advanced Camp, Cadets receive intelligence updates, preparing them for the geo-political environment to which they will deploy and operate.
Becoming a paratrooper at Airborne School is a unique experience requiring special dedication and a desire to be challenged mentally and physically. This three-week course, also known as Basic Airborne Course, teaches Soldiers the techniques involved in parachuting from airplanes and landing safely. The final test includes a non-assisted jump.
The purpose of the BAC is to qualify the volunteer in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self-confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning.
Airborne Soldiers have a long and distinguished tradition of being an elite body of fighting men and women–people who have always set the example for determination and courage. When you volunteer for this training, you accept the challenge of continuing this tradition
Air Assault
U.S. Army Air Assault School is a 10-day course designed to prepare Soldiers for insertion, evacuation, and pathfinder missions that call for the use of multipurpose transportation and assault helicopters. Air Assault training focuses on the mastery of rappelling techniques and sling load procedures, skills that involve intense concentration and a commitment to safety and preparation.
Most Air Assault Cadets will attend Sabalauski Air Assault School, located at Fort Campbell, Ky. Training is broken into three phases, each lasting three days: Combat Assault Phase, Sling Load Phase, and Rappel Phase. On graduation day, Cadets will undergo a 12-mile rucksack march. When they complete the march, they will earn their wings as official Air Assault Soldiers.
Air Assault School is necessarily physically and mentally demanding, as Soldiers will be required to handle heavy equipment and perform dangerous tasks under extremely stressful conditions. Successful candidates must possess a keen eye for detail and a dedication to meticulous preparation
Nurse Summer Training
Nursing students who are also Army ROTC Cadets have an opportunity for a unique summer nursing experience. The paid, four-week Nurse Summer Training Program assigns Cadets to Army hospitals throughout the U.S. and Germany.
The nursing program introduces Cadets to the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and to the roles and responsibilities of an Army Nurse Corps Officer. Under the supervision of an experienced Army Nurse Corps Officer, Cadets obtain hands-on experience. Training opportunities include one-on-one clinical experience which enables Cadets to hone their clinical skills, develop problem-solving techniques and become comfortable with developing professional skills as a member of the U.S. Army Healthcare Team.
Cadet Troop Leader Training
More than 1,100 MS III Cadets participate in this program which allows them to serve with active duty Army units as Platoon Leaders.

Cadet at Cadet Summer Training 2021

Students receiving instruction from a Jumpmaster at Airborne School

Cadets undergo air assault training