Cadet Activities

Every Cadet is required to participate in the following for each semester:
- 1 Hour of Physical Training at 6am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
- 1 Military Science class per week
- 1 Military Science Lab every Thursday
While participating in ROTC, cadets are encouraged to take part in activities with ROTC for great training and for fun. Often, it is through these events that cadets receive valuable experience and build comradery with cadets from the Jayhawk Battalion and around the Midwest.
More Than Classes
Many Cadets enjoy participating in ROTC extra-curricular opportunities, whether that is a physical challenge that you compete with a team or having the honor to present the Colors at an athletic event. Here are some examples of how the Jayhawk Battalion gets after it!

Ranger Challenge
Ranger Challenge is an inter-collegiate competition between Army ROTC detachments at different universities. It is a grueling multi-day competition which physically and mentally challenges nine-member cadet teams with a variety of military skill events.
Northern Warfare Challenge
This challenge has been deemed "The Hardest Race in ROTC", and it's for obvious reasons. Competitors come from across the country, in teams of five in order to transverse the Bluffs of La Crosse, WI. The competition doubles as both a skill and physical challenges as it takes the willing Cadets through 18 miles of snow covered trails with bitterly freezing winds.
Combat Water Survival Training (CWST)
Every semester all cadets complete the Combat Water Survival Test (CWST) as part of their training. The CWST consists of three events: 15 meter swim with combat equipment, to include weapon. Next, the 3 meter blindfolded drop with combat equipment. The final event is the submerged combat equipment removal. The CWST is used to develop swimming ability, physical fitness, and confidence in cadets.Color Guard
The Color Guard is composed of cadets from each Jayhawk Battalion school and are utilized for various athletic events on all the campuses, memorial events and other local ceremonies and is often featured in the local media for its presence at such events.
Field Training Exercise (FTX)
Field Training Exercises (FTXs) every academic year. The FTXs are one to two days in length, and reinforce the classroom instruction with hands on application in a field environment. Some of the training events may include Basic Rifle Marksmanship, day and night land navigation, platoon and squad unit tactics and battle drills, Field Leadership Reaction Course, weapons familiarization (M240 Machine Gun), helicopter operations, and more.
Military Ball
The Military Ball is a formal dinner, social in nature yet steeped in military tradition, that serves to bring the unit together. We also have Joint Military Balls with the other ROTC Units on Campus. In addition to the outstanding food and comradery, the Ball also features a keynote military speaker, an possible awards ceremony, and a cadet-made entertainment highlighting the year's activities.
Army 10 Miler Team
Annually, Cadets travel to Washington DC, or compete virtually in the Army's largest running event. #RunArmyRunStrong