High School Students

The National Army ROTC Scholarship Program is run by the US Army Cadet Command. The deadline to apply for a four-year National Scholarship is June before your senior year of high school. You can apply as soon as February of your junior year. Start your application or to find out more information.

Here are some important details of the scholarship process!

Scholarship applications are filled out online (see link above) and you can apply for a scholarship at up to 7 schools at once!

There are 3 opportunities to earn a 4-year full-tuition scholarship throughout the academic year.

  • Second week of October
  • Third week of January
  • Second week of March

Scholarships are given on a merit basis. To maximize your chances of earning a scholarship:

  • Have a high GPA
  • Score well on the Physical Fitness Test
  • Be a member of an athletic team
  • Be a club officer, team captain, or hold any other position of leadership
  • Do well on the interview with the Professor of Military Science
  • Be medically qualified for the Army
  • Engage in community service


  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be at least 17 and under 31 in year of commissioning.
  • Have an unweighted high school GPA of at least 2.50 if you're in high school applying.
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Meet physical standards
  • Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (Army Reserve or Army National Guard)

A National Scholarship winner may expect:

  • Full Tuition and Fees OR up to $12,000/year for Room and Board
  • $1200.00 a year for books
  • A monthly stipend of $420

National Scholarships are available for The University of Kansas Army ROTC and our Partner schools:

  • Baker University
  • University of Saint Mary
  • Washburn University

If you are not selected for a National Scholarship it is by no means the end of the road. The National Scholarship program is very competitive. If you miss the deadline we do have campus-based scholarships available. Email our Recruiting Officer to start the process.

For more information on National Scholarships check out this website: High School Students.


HS Seniors Applications

  • Application Opens: 12 June 2024

  • Board 1 Deadline: 14 October 2024

  • Board 2 Deadline: 20 January 2025

  • Board 3 Deadline: 17 March 2025

National Test Dates

  • October Board Test Dates

  • SAT- 24 AUG 24

  • ACT- 13 JUL 24, 14 SEP 24

  • January Board Dates

  • SAT- 05 OCT 24, 02 NOV 24, 07 DEC 24

  • ACT- 26 OCT 24, 14 DEC 24

  • March Board Dates

  • SAT- None

  • ACT- 08 FEB 25

Start your Application

Applications open on 12 June 2024. Complete the application, join our team, and secure a future career as a leader in the Nation's Army.

Recruiting Operations Officer